
Our Daily Reads: Best Of China Blogs

The contributors at The China Beat read a lot of China blogs. Here is a primer of a few of our collective favorites. We welcome you to add your own must-reads (or plug your own blog) in the comments section.

Best One-Stop Source of Information:
China Digital Times
Best Media Blog: A tie between
Danwei and China Media Project
Best Industry Blog:
China Law Blog
Best News Blog:
Beijing Newspeak – Written by Chris O’Brien, a language polisher/rewrite artist for Xinhua, a fascinating and frequently hilarious look behind the scenes of Chinese media.
Best Issue Blog:
China Dialogue: Chinese and English articles on environmental and human rights issues.
Best Translation Blog:
EastSouthWestNorth: A daily stop for most bloggers and journos in China; collects and translates a selection from China’s media and blogosphere.
Best Journalist Blog: This one is a toss-up between
China Rises and Richard Spencer.
Best PR Blog:
Imagethief, fabulously written blog by Will Moss, a PR professional in Beijing.
Best Personal Blog:
Life in Suzhou. A fixture in the China blogosphere for a long time, this blog’s author still brings a fresh and unique perspective to his daily observations of life. Another strong one, with anecdotes from a working journalist, is Spot-On by Jonathan Ansfield.
Best Regional Blog:
Opposite Side of China: Absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in Xinjiang and central Asia.
Best Taiwan Blog: Michael Turton’s
The View from Taiwan.


  1. hi have any of you seen the new website www.nihaoareyou.com ? The purpose of the sight is to bridge communication between China and America, you guys need to check it out!

  2. Cheers for the mention, and good list. A couple others that I really like are:
    Panda Passport
    Eyes East
    East-West Station
    (all, oddly enough, out of Dalian)

    The Shanghaiist definitely deserves mention as well.

    Shameless plug: as does the Lost Laowai expat blog

  3. A rewrite artist is the most flattering job description yet - I'll amend my CV in a just a sec. Thanks very much for the mention, looking forward to reading...

  4. Ryan,

    I second your suggestions, especially Eyes East and the Shanghaiist. Shanghaiist would certainly deserve mention as best 'city blog.'


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