FAQ#2: Will calls for a boycott of the 2008 Olympic Games be successful?
I can say with some certainty that in the current geopolitical climate, calls for an Olympic boycott will be unsuccessful - though I suppose they make for good headlines. The advocacy groups who are calling for boycotts have no direct control over the organization of the Olympic Games. In order for a boycott to succeed, the organizations that would have to support it are
1) the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and/or
2) the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs for short) that are planning to send athletes to the Games – which would result from pressure from their national governments.
Some pundits raise the 1936 Berlin Olympics as an example of an Olympics that should have been boycotted. However, if you study the history of the IOC after those games, it appears that the "Hitler Games" actually strengthened the IOC's anti-boycott position. The American IOC member at that time, Ernst Lee Jahncke, supported an American boycott. Avery Brundage opposed the boycott and managed to achieve a supportive vote in the Amateur Athletic Union, which governed most Olympic sports at that time. Jahncke was expelled from the IOC and Brundage was co-opted to take his place. Brundage later became IOC president from 1952 to 1972 and is the only American to have held that position. He was not a sophisticated thinker, but he was pithy. It was he who popularized the phrases “keep politics out of sport” and “the Games must go on” (the latter was stated after the massacre of Israeli athletes in
The fact that today the 1936 Games are used as an argument in support of boycotting the Beijing Games shows that the outside world does not always see things the way the inner IOC circles do - so one might ask, is either side deluded? Or do they simply have differing agendas? Clearly they have different agendas. So what, ultimately, is the agenda of IOC members? Well, they are a varied lot, but they all have one thing in common – whatever benefits they get from being IOC members increase in times of peace, international cooperation, and expanded economic interdependency. They thus have a vested interest in interlinking the world through Olympic sports.
New IOC members are selected by the existing IOC members in a process called "co-optation." They are not representatives of their countries and are not appointed or elected by their country. They are co-opted because of their commitment to the Olympic Movement, a commitment that in theory should be idealistic but in practice may be pragmatic (or some combination of both). An example of a member co-opted for her idealistic commitment is the U.S. member, Anita DeFrantz, who was co-opted in 1986 after she had gained international attention by filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Olympic Committee over its boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics, contesting its authority to prevent U.S. athletes from taking part in the Games. She lost, but she was identified by the IOC as someone whose commitment to the Olympic ideals superseded her commitment to following the orders of the
Most if not all IOC members have some kind of vested interest in assuring that the Games go on. One could be cynical about this – like the most outspoken Olympic critic in the
If one wants to credit IOC members with some idealism, one could observe that there's a general consensus among the current IOC membership that past boycotts were not effective in bringing about any political change, and all they did was to harm the athletes of the world. Athletes from non-participating countries lost their chance to take part; athletes from participating countries missed their rivals; global sports as a whole were damaged.
Another point is that currently less than half of IOC members are from Western Europe, North America,
The NOCs are required by the Olympic Charter (Fundamental Principle #4), to be politically independent from their national governments. Still, the NOCs would only boycott in reaction to pressure from their national governments, but in some countries they can defy their governments. This happened during the 1980 boycott of the Moscow Olympics, when 7 governments boycotted but allowed NOCs to send athletes. So the question is whether the world's governments - or in particular the
Stay tuned for FAQ#3: Could
I think there must be something wrong with the statement that 47 of the 110 members of the IOC are from "Western Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand," while the other 63 are from "Africa, Asia, or the Middle East." In which category do the Russia, Czech, Greek, and Austrian members fit? How about the Brazilian?
ReplyDeleteI think the boycott is successful ALREADY - just the fact that you are discussing the possibility of a SUCCESSFUL BOYCOTT, whilst completely ignoring the political affiliations of China with Burma/Myanmar, or Darfur, shows that you are at least a little bit worried, Miss "IOC’s postgraduate grant selection committee".
ReplyDeleteI believe boycotts have a SYMBOLIC relevance, another aspect that you have ignored completely. I have a lot of respect for Chinese culture, but I believe in political activism too, and China must be held accountable for its actions, and non-actions. The genocide olympics are a great opportunity to show that Chinese behaviour is not going unnoticed, and that the world is watching. The parallels drawn to the NAZI OLYMPICS are also appropriate, and you know it too!! Back in 1936, the statement that 'politics had no place in sport’, was also accompanied by theories about a “Jewish-Communist conspiracy” to keep the United States out of the games...
I GET IT - the IOC IS (a little bit) WORRIED, and that's good news to me