
A Few Olympic Readings

Just in case you can’t get enough, here are a few more:

1. Geremie Barmé’s excerpt on Wang Shuo on Danwei is a fascinating twist on "sports competitions" and national humiliation.

2. Monroe Price has a recent piece up at the Huffington Post on internet censorship.

3. Check out this charmingly self-reflexive piece by the L.A. Times' Ching-Ching Ni on the experience of returning to Beijing and finding the city of her childhood gone.

4. Exhausted by the Olympics already? How can you feel this way when there’s 2016 to think about?

5. Find out “Who’s Your Buddha?” in this Howard French book review for The Nation.

6. Also worth a look (with nod to CDT for the tip): this satirical little news broadcast about "Are the Games a Trap,” from that trusty news source, The Onion.

1 comment:

  1. Susan, looking forward to reading "Beijing's Games" which I just heard about from today's NY Times. Read your bio and see you ran track at Beida in 1985-86. I played on the BeiDa Basketball team in 1986-87 and had heard about you from my team mates. Great memories from those times. Enjoy the Olympics.



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