Here’s the list I’ve prepared for them (with a bit of explanation—also kept short for this era of limited attention spans):
1. The True Story of Ah Q
China’s greatest modern writer (Lu Xun), telling a dark but also comic tale linked to a major event in Chinese modern history (the 1911 Revolution) in only 68 pages. Need I say more?

2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Dai Sijie’s elegantly written 176 page coming-of-age tale set during the Cultural Revolution.
3. The House of Lim: A Study of a Chinese Family
A stylish piece of illuminating ethnographic writing by Margery Wolf; provides many insights into kinship and gender in a mere 147 pages.
4. Mao Zedong and China’s Revolutions: A Brief History with Documents
A bit long for this list, coming in at 272 pages, but editor Timothy Cheek manages to put a lot of important material into this slim paperback, including samples of Mao’s own writings and some scholarly takes on the Chairman (full disclosure: one of the scholars is named Wasserstrom), plus provide a quick tour of Chinese history from 1893 through 1976 (the years of his subject’s life)—and he nicely steers clear of either demonizing or romanticizing the Chinese leader.

Cultural studies specialist Stephanie Donald and political scientist Robert Benewick’s map-filled and graph-packed overview of a wide range of features of contemporary Chinese society—a nice 128 page primer on what’s been going on in the PRC since Mao’s death.
I loved Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress! I picked it up a few years ago in a second-hand bookshop simply because the cover image was intriguing (it's kind of embarrassing to admit that I chose a book by its cover). But I wasn't disappointed. :)
Ah Q is a must read, if you want to understand Chinese. Forget about the historical event. It was written to reflect what is called "Chinese Characteristics" nowadays. Blog comments on most Chinese blog sites are great companion to this book, to give you more examples of "Spirit of Ah Q". Watch for applications of "my grandpa is bigger than your grandpa", "you were nothing when I was somebody".
The Chinese Atlas looks good for clearing the way for a post war East Asian capitalism class I'm teaching....hi Jeff...hope all is well in sunnier climes.
Mike Robinson
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