In the brand new May 2009 issue, just up on the Cambridge University Press website, readers will find, free for now at least, two relatively short (four to six-thousand words) pieces in the Journal of Asian Studies' new "Asia Beyond the Headlines" series--one by Berkeley economist Pranab Bardhan is on China-India comparisons, while the other is a take by USC political scientist Stanley Rosen (who took part in the Brookings Institution panel that was the subject of a recent post by Teresa Wright) on youth and politics in China.
The third piece is a full-length one (with illustrations) on Confucian temples by University of Wisconsin art historian Julia Murray (a contributor to China in 2008) who deals with the past and also the present (the cover of the issue shows an image from her illustrated piece). Here's the link (once there, each is a click away to read in HTML or as PDFs).